While rafts and kayaks are not the typical example of recreational boats, they are often used for fun leisurely activities on water. The Soča River is dotted with colorful boats all summer, with notable concentration around the popular towns, such as Bovec.

For rating and kayak, Bovec offers perfect surroundings. It’s situated in the middle of a picturesque valley, while also offering well developed tourist services and adequate infrastructure. Of course, the main selling point is the river itself – for kayaking and rafting, Soča is the best choice for almost anyone. It has very varied dynamics in the upper part, which enables adventurers to choose among different kinds of experiences. There are slow and lazy parts that can be used for admiring the nature and relaxing in the sun, or maybe even for various group activities on rafts, while the white-water rapids don’t allow for relaxation, they demand sharp focus and even hard work to keep oneself balanced and to keep the boat on its course. The options for kayaking and rafting Soča are really unlimited.

While rafting seems a bit more popular, there is no lack of options for boating in a kayak. Bovec has a concentration of tourism agencies that provide kayaking services, such as guided tours, equipment rental, and even kayak schools. There is an excellent chance that Bovec will convince even the most demanding adventurers with its wide offer. For kayak, Bovec also offers varied parts of the river and can make unique experiences. Even experienced adventurers will find the options unique and enjoyable, while kayaking and rafting Soča is of course a very attractive option for beginners. No matter the skill level or experience, Soča will take good care of everyone, even those in their own boats, looking for some relaxation.